So I got a slight nudge from someone (Kieran cough* cough*) that I needed to write a new blog..... As I am new to blogging I sometimes (often) forget about writing one :)
Any who.....a big part of my life at the moment is my brother Rhys (sorry Elder Travers) and his mission. He is currently serving in the Marshall Islands Majuro Mission. Although he is serving in that mission he is actually serving in Kiribati (pronounced Ki-ri-bis) which is a group of islands a part of that mission.

This is a pic of Rhys when he received his mission call and I can tell you now it was an emotional experience.....The funny thing is that Rhys received it while he was in Melbourne so we had to wait a few days before he got home to read it. Then he was taking someone home from the Spirit and so we had to wait longer.....and I was supposed to be going to work (working for your parents comes in handy sometimes :P). So he FINALLY comes home and reads it aloud, mum got a bit trigger happy so there are pictures of the envelope, Rhys reading it and well just too many to fit on one blog...
These next two pics show us saying goodbye to Rhys and I was fine...until he was about to board and I lost it..... :'( I didn't think I would react like that because we had heaps of good times (and long chats :P) before he left.....
I especially like the pic of Rhys waving from the plane...I think he nearly hit his head on the way in lol :P

Now come the first pics from his mission!!!!
This first one is his Mission President and his wife.....President and Sister Bleak. Mum has since spoken to them and they are really nice, according to her.

This is a pic of Rhys (I mean Elder Travers) and his first companion Elder Nakabuta and their first convert. :) YAY!!!!

Rhys has also served with Elder Tupou (twin brother is serving in our ward) and his current companion is Elder Fau. But we don't have pics of him with them yet...
A converted family.....

First Baptism.....

Now the three zone conferences!!!!!!

As you can see, Rhys is well and safe. He absolutely loves his mission!!!
Last night we met with two guys (Davis and Roberts) who know Rhys and are currently studying at the AMC (Australia Maratime College) because they are police officers in Kiribati and want to work on the water as well as the land (the little bit of it that there is). Dad is going to take them flying next weekend if the weather is good. I will have to get pics of them when we see them next
Well I definitely think that is enough blogging for now.....satisfied Kieran?!?!
Catch ya later Lisa :P
1 comment:
So crazy...I know one of the elders (apart from Rhys, obviously) in those Zone Conference photos! how cool to see photos of him as well as Rhys!
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