Today we have Carisa sharing what she is grateful for in her life.
I have so many things to be thankful for. There are more and more added to my giant list each day. I am excited to be able to guest post for Lisa for her Gratitude Sunday Series. It is so great to keep a list of what you are grateful for, that way you don’t get bogged down with the stresses of everyday life and you remember everything you were blessed with!
Below is a short list of some of the things I am so grateful for!
My amazing husband. I truly married a keeper and my best friend, he does something new to make me fall more in love with him each day!
The amazing jobs we are blessed with. It is so hard to find a job after college but both me and my husband just feel into our current jobs and we couldn’t be happier that it worked out so well for us.
Having a roof over my head! I love our little apartment, feels more like home each day!
Amazing friends, and the fun times we have with them each week!
Relaxing nights
Blogging and the friends I have made through it!!
My cute bunny J
This week I am grateful for:
- Great talks in church
- Being able to stay somewhat cool in this heat
- Work
- The YSA activity just for the girls last night. Some good things discussed
- Learning to work with all sorts of people
- Sleep
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