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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Meet Liberty and Kimi

Over the last little while I have been going through everything that I own and either throwing it, donating it or organising it into it's new place. 

Two new things in my room are Liberty and Kimi.

Today was a day of firsts for them...

Liberty, My MnM dispenser was filled for the first time today. 
You may have read that she helped marked off one of my goals for my 101.

 Now I have these little snacks on hand, I think I might actually do more study.

Kimi, is the lamp I got for my birthday. The globe from the previous light I owned was too big to fit, so tonight while food shopping I got some smaller ones and viola!

All lit up!

Did I mention that I love them both yet?
Once my room is fully transformed I will have to share. There are still some changes I need to make.

But before I go, do you use instagram?
Follow along with me @lisatrav.


Lotti said...

I love your lamp Lisa, it's so pretty.

Cinta said...

Wicked lamp! I'll have to come over and see it =)

Maz said...

awww I love kimi!! If you ever get bored of her, I'll have her ;) haha jokes. You will never get bored of her.

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