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Monday, January 2, 2012


So we've welcomed in the New Year and it's time to introduce you to my theme for the year.

Make a Change

Over the last year I've seen people choose a word and try to make their year all about it.
I couldn't choose just one so I chose MAKE and CHANGE.

Not only these two words separately but also combined to MAKE A CHANGE.

I have a lot of goals and throughout the year I will be updating and involving most things I do with my theme.

Some of the things you'll be seeing are:

- Changing some bad habits
-Making more things (food, sewing items etc)
- Making the most of opportunities
- and so much more!

So are you ready for 2012??!!
Because I definitely am...


1 comment:

Lotti said...

I'm feeling a bit that way this year .... like I need to make changes too. I like your theme a lot. I love the idea of people making a change in this world and love the change for change jar. Good luck with your goals Lisa. Love Auntie Leonie xoxo

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