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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Who I Am Wednesday...a Stat Checker

I will admit that I am terrible at constantly checking my blog stats and basically most things to see where my progress is at.

It can be a can also be helpful.

This month however I am not going to be checking my blogs statistics page. It's going to be hard, but I think it's going to help me focus on what I'm writing more and to just let go of it.

I am kinda looking forward to seeing how things are at the end of the month and the ride it's going to be.

So here's to admitting things you do constantly...and might need to change...and rolling with what life has to offer.

Welcome to February!

*Also I keep checking this page to see how the fundraising for Lisa King and her family is going and I am so happy to announce that almost every time it has gone up. They have even had to keep increasing the 'total'. It's nice to see that people are still willing to help each other out in a great time of need. 


Kendra said...

You can do it! It's easy to let stats affect our blogging outlook but just write for you and not your audience :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm just stopping in from Jenni-Austria-Germany to say that I too suffer from the Hunger Games addiction. In fact, when I saw the pictures of the books that you posted, my hands automatically began to shake and feel a little tingly.
Problem? Nah, I'm a happy addict! :)

Kylie said...

I do that too much sometimes too. Sometimes I'm honestly just curious to see where my traffic is coming form, but sometimes it does feel good to see 100 hits in a day when I'm used to getting maybe 30. The numbers aren't why I blog though, and I have to remember that sometimes.

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