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Monday, February 20, 2012

Make...a bag

So over December/January I started having a sewing day once a week with my friend Emily.
I had two bags I needed to make before a few birthdays in my family.

The first was for my sister Erin. I actually promised her this last year but then didn't sew all year and so I needed to get it done for her birthday...well our birthday(7 years apart)...this year.

Concentration face...
Almost done...
All finished...
The second is for my sister-in-law Amy but you'll have to wait to see that one as it isn't her birthday until next week.

I am loving using my sewing machine finally and trying out new things.
Keep an eye out for future projects!

Oh and I made a facebook page for my blog here
Go and check it out and click the like button if you want to :D


Lotti said...

COOL BAG Lisa ... you're not half bad with a sewing machine .... really nice.

Lotti said...

Just had to have another look Lisa. I love the fabrics and colours that you have used. Really lovely.

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