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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gratitude Sunday...The Mother's Day edition

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there!
Not only the ones that have given birth to a child, but to people who raise other people's children too.
I love my Mama, but I also have other women in my life that have been like mother's to me.

I am so grateful to have the mother I do. She is just the right one for me. We've had our 'moments' but all the sweet moments wash those away. 

My mum is:

- the little lady (literally :P) that gives a lot of love
- the woman that gave me life...and carried me around for 9 months :D
- the one I can cry to
- the one who I can call anytime I need anything
- the woman who puts up with my father and his crazy adventures...for the past 30 years!
- the one who would try (often found her asleep on the couch) and stay up to make sure I got home ok when I worked the close shift until 2:30am
- the lady who *sometimes* lets me take pictures of her...none of which I can find right now! :'(

No matter what she will always be my mum!
I love you Victoria! :P he he he

Sorry I couldn't be home today!! Hopefully you had a wonderful day! 

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